Monday, March 1, 2010

Who is the cutest?

Who is the cutest?
you tell me?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Wrote this is 3rd grade it sucks and grammer is worse then the storey

The Black Dressed Lady
Dear reader, if you are looking for a wonderful book about how little Megan moved into her house and found new friends and happiness you should slam this book down onto the table and rip it up because this is a rather sad depressing story and rather gloomy. It all starts with a girl named Nancy. Her father had left her when she was 3. She had a half sister named Gina and she was now 8. Nancy is now 13. Her sister is another story. Her mother met some man in wich his name escapes my mind and they had Gina. Then he “oddly” left. Nancy’s mother did not have the knack for picking out men. Nancy, her sister, and mother lived in a old rather run down crappie apartment complex, but Nancy’s mother Tia had just earned enough money to buy a house. Nancy hated moving. Nancy was a 13 year old girl who had ben moved from house to car to mother to father to aunty Nora’s since she was 5 and she was apsoloutly sick of it. MOVING what a big word. Not in leters but, had a huge affect on her life. Nancy had gone to 9 schools in her whole life. She was kick out of 3 becouse of “bad” behaveure. “ don’t you care at all we have to move all the time?” Nancy asked her sister. “do you really think we move a lot” asked Gina. “Kinda” Nancy said trying to hold back her sarcaum. “ I just wish we were born into a normal family were we were true sisters and we both had one dad and we lived in a nice brick house and never changed schools” Gina Repled The girls were now going to Bushlin Hights and to be honest that was the werst school anyone could posably go to. The windows were broke, the students cused and ganged up on the teachers, it was more of a mad house then a school. No one had a normal life in that school. To be truthful Nancy’s life was much beter then other kid’s lifes at her school. The things that happened are to horribul for words. To descusteing for your ears. To sad for the human mind. You could only imagine what had gone on in those houses. It was 10:00 at night and the girls were sleeping. So there mother thought. Nancy was lying in bed wondering about there new house. Lets see. There was the atic. And The parlor. And the basement. And 4 bead rooms. And a door. What was that door. Now this feeling of curiosity overwhelmed her and she could not close her eyes and go to bead like a forgetful moron. She needed to know what was behind that door. She opened to door open with a creeeekkkkkk and there was…………….. coats. But it was not the old movie star jacket that caught nacys eye. It was the Door above the coat that got her atenchion

Scary story

In 1995 in Gloden AR, A young women was in a car accident. It was cold. She had a child in the car. He was about 4 years old and had golden blonde curly hair with beautiful brown eyes. She scooped him up and walked with him. Until she came to a subdivision and saw a small cookie cutter house. She knocked on the door and an old woman answered. The woman was so vary nice and invited her into her house. The house had pink walls, and a lumpy white couch with where you would think a woman of her age would put pictures of grandchildren, was a single picture of a child with a doll. A rather strange half naked porslin doll. The woman thought nothing of this and walked away. As the woman and the elderly woman who stated her name was Sheral sat in the room drinking tea and having small talk the boy, sat on the couch vary board. “why don’t you go play in the back bed room sweety?” asked Sheral. “May I mama?” asked the young boy as any any other shook up mother would she said yes and kept on talking. The boy walked out of the room with the doll the woman had seen in the picture and said like anyother proud child would “look mama! He don’t eaven blink!” the mother smiled a well rehearsed smile and went on talking. As she and her child went to bed the woman heard chantings.
“You saw me once you will see me again, I took her son and you will never see her again.” The woman had had strange dreams millions of times before and thought nothing of it. She woke up and the woman was gone. She thought nothing of it. She just assumed she was out to by some grochrys. She noticed the boards in the womans celing was loose right above the door where the women slept. She then again thought nothing of it. Then she took a nap with her son.
“You saw me twice you’ll see me once more keep on sleeping I’ll take the final score” She woke up with her beautiful Brown eyed child twitching and screaming. With tears rolling down his face. Mama, he did it. He took me. He took my insides!”
The Woman called 911. The did a check up on the child and dignosed him with ADHD, how could this be her child we so smart. This just did not seem right.
She did not bother to go back to the house. Then one night while sleeping she got a phone call. It was the officers. They found her drivers license in the womans house. They told her they went up in the atic and found 2 old dead bodys. One of a bloond blue eyed boy identical to the one in the picture, they told her that at the age of 4 he also was diagnosed with ADHD.. And one of the old woman. Who lived there before hand. They also found a doll. A doll that was smileing. And carved in the floore by the woman child and doll were the words
“You saw me. And It was to late. Why didn’t you save me?”
Later that night she heard crying in her brand new babys room. And In blood on his back was the words.
“I’m not gone.” And right then the childs eyes rolled to the back of his head he stood up and went to the atic.

My Gender Bender

“Jeta” The clock ticked slowly back and forth with a soothing rythem especially to someone who styed up till 1:00 am on a Sunday night.
“Jeta!” Mrs. Sanders yelled with a flick of her wrist and a clap of her long old yard stick. The crack made such a yelp it sounded like it was going to jump up and smack Mrs. Saunders right back
Jeta purcked her head up from her text book, but everyone knew Jeta Spades was not looking at her text book she was mearly writing hearts and stars on her hand that looked like notes… but were surly bunches of leters written together in dainty hand writing. “Were ancheant chineese polytheistic or monotheistic?” Mrs. Saunders repeated miserabley for about the 5th time in a row with still no right answer.
“Umm monotheistic” Jeta said sure of herself.
“And what are your facts to support your answer?” Mrs. Saunders asked overly eritated like she would rather be in bead with a box of bonbons and a diet cheery coke.
“Well,” Jeta thought “Monotheistic has Mon in it and Mon can sound like money and I have lots of money and chinesse are dirty and greedy and want more then they need, or that’s what my daddy tells me, and so I guess they need more worshipers.” Jeta sincerely thought that was exactly what Mrs. Saunders was looking for.
“Auctually,” Mary Reed piped in “Monotheistic means one and Mon has nothing to do with money at all. Chinese are far from greedy they have some of the best philosophers and inventors ever and your fathers a shame not to know that. So really they were Polytheistic meaning more then one god. Not worshipers.” Mary said with a glare her eye and a twitchy smile in her lip.
“Vary good” Mrs. Saunders said. “Now why don’t you stop talking before your foot gets stuck any farther down your throut they you just shoved it Mary” and then with a swoosh of her white gray hair Mrs. Saunders turned around and kept on teaching
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeta Spades is one of the most shallow, self obsorbed, big headed, snobby, cocky, teenybopper person to walk all 50 states inclueding porterrico. Her father is an embosidor in Egypt and her mother is a big shot executer for MTV. Who frankly think she’t hip and Sizzlin what ever that means. She has a SUPER anioing brother who seems to know everything and he really was not that bright to Jeta, but yet again he did ace her history exam. Jeta goes to a high class all girls 8th grade middle school. Gold earings and all she is 5 foot for brow haired skinny small footed and beautiful. Speeking of witch I’m pretty sure that she was just out shopping today.
It's Funny HowLittle Girls Always Smile
The live life to the fullest Like Everything’s Worth Wild
We Were Little OnceThough I don’t Know How
The Girls we see are all so different now
Eye Liner and Ruby Red Gloss
Cover There Pretty Faces
Now they wear high heels.. Instead of Shoes With Laces
There Shirts have no sleeves
There Skirts are really short
And It Seems Like BoysAre There Main And Only Export
I Know There Not All like This
By What I’ve come To know
Is That We come from Brads in Rows
And Now we Sit Here TextingAbout Only God Knows!
Some Days I Just Feel
That I Have To Do Something
To bring back that feeling
That Bows and Dresses Bring
I miss Blowing Bubbles
Cuz Now I’d smudge my eyes
I miss catching fire fly’s
But now I can't Cuz I'll Break A Nail
But I Want To so Bad
With Me Growing Up Is A Fail
So Wash Off Your make Up
And Turn Off Your Phone
Take off Your heals
And Come Bare Feet With MeRunning through The Grass
Completely Care Free
They Tell You To Act Lady Like
But One Night Could not Hurt
To Just Be Little Again
And Put Away Your Purse
Your Acting Little Again
And I know That You Feel Silly...But You Can’t Tell Me It Does Not Feel Good, I Mean Come On!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hey Guys!

Hi you guys! This is where i'll be posting all of my writing. So you guys can check it out. I'll be putting things on like once a week or more! I have a story coming up it's a gender bender. [A snotty rich girl changes into a boy] but its pretty girly. So for the boys..... i don't know. I'll just make some boyish thing.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I have noticed You have made it over to My blog! Well first thing I want to say is Thank You for entering. My Name is Jazz and I will be bloging about a lot of stuff. My other blog is Witch stands for Sugar Coated Glam. I really enjoy fashion and writing so i will have a few short storys going on in here too. So just look around Make yourself at home. And Dont forget to follow me!
-Jazz <3